Chapter Camp is an opportunity to get away, spend extended time with your InterVarsity peers, make new friends from other chapters, and go in-depth with God through scripture. This is one trip you won't want to miss!


Please select the campus you are from and be sure to double check before you make your selection. We have limited capacity per campus so we want to ensure every campus gets the correct amount of spots.

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Emergency Contact Information

Demographics and Additional Info

  • If yes, we will reach out closer to the week of camp to talk details about camping. This would only be necessary if we hit capacity and need more beds. Selecting this is not a commitment to camping.

Sessions / Tracks / Seminars*

  • Mark 1

    Mark 1

    Repent & Believe!

    Come live with Jesus in chapters 1-8 of Mark's Gospel. Using a manuscript study format, we will meet Jesus together in a fresh, up close, and personal way. Not only will we discover more about the nature and values of God’s kingdom, we will also gain valuable Bible study skills to enrich your personal and group Bible study and worship.

    Choose this track if this is your first time at Chapter Camp!

  • Mark 2

    Mark 2

    The King Who Serves!

    Mark 2 (Chapters 9-16) is a continuation of Mark 1. Dive into the rest of the story. Meet Jesus in the climax of his life, death and resurrection. See the unfolding tragedy as his enemies and his followers struggle to understand who He is and what to do. Be challenged to discover true discipleship as you learn about following Jesus into difficult places.

    Signup for this track if you have already been through Mark 1.

  • Prayer Seminar

    Prayer Seminar

    "Prayer is not learned in a classroom, but in the closet."
    - Evangelist EM Bounds

    We don't grow in prayer by simply reading more books and collecting more information, we grow in prayer by actually praying. Because this is true, the Prayer Track is designed to feel more like a prayer lab and less like a class. You will experience new ways of thinking about prayer and have lots of time to practice interacting with God in prayer throughout the week. Come prepared to encounter God in fresh ways and serve other students through the ministry of prayer.

    Choose this track if you have already been through both Mark 1 & 2.

Individual Release/Waiver

Should the PDF not display properly, you may download a copy of the Individual Release-Waiver_10.22.2020.pdf

Should the PDF not display properly, you may download a copy of the CBS Release for IV.pdf


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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